Thursday, May 26, 2016

What is the K-Liquid Chlorophyll 1. Product WorkshopSmart Success Team769 2. • Chlorophyll is the green substance in plants that are the source of life through the process of photosynthesis • Chlorophyll chemical structure is very similar in structure to Haemoglobin • Taken from the best alfalfa leaf contains over 60 nutrients and is called the "Father of all plants" • An ingredient semulajadi and good for drinking by anybody. 3. • 1912 Dr.Alexis in his thesis "immortal cells" research shows the importance of removing toxins to improve the ill-health. • 1915, Dr.Richard W, discovered the chemical structure of chlorophyll. • 1930, Dr.Hans Fischer, the discovery of the chemical structure of hemoglobin which is similar to the chemical structure of chlorophyll. 4. • Clean, help detoxify and reduce toxins in the body. • Smooth, balances the hormonal system as well as acid-alkali balance in the body. • Provide nutrients, increase the absorption of nutrients in the blood to increase oxygen sandstone and red blood cells. 5. A diet that is not balanced to make our metabolism becomes damaged and become a source of disease 6. ALL STARTING FROM EATING Less Vegetables And Fruits (Fiber) 7. • Stonewall bacteria growth • Alleviate the problem of asthma • Improving ill-health • Increases blood flow mouths • Reduce inflammation • Improves cardiac function • Improving liver function • Reduce body odor • Relieve pain • The balance of acid and alkali problems • Helps insomnia • Improve blood cells • Strengthen the immune system • Fixing red state • Normalize body temperature anemia 8. • Increase metabolism • Helps the function of the thyroid gland • Reduce the risk of bronchitis • Improving lung function • Accelerate wound healing • Improving blood cell function • Detoxification • Acts as an anti cancer • Increased iron in the body • Clean the blood • Helps digestive problems • slow down the aging process • Reduce the joint and bone problems • Increase the urinary tract system • Refreshing throat 9. HOW TO DECISION • Childhood: ½ cap 1-3 times a day mixed with a glass of water (250 ml) • Adults: 1 cap 1-3 times a day mixed with a glass of water (250 ml) • Drinking K-Liquid Chlorophyll may be mixed with milk, honey, tea, fruit juice and Spirulina or soymilk. • Drink 8 glasses of water a day

K-Link Kinotakara 1. Seven Star Team – Air Sihat Keluarga Sihat 2. KINOTAKARA After 26 years of research, Dr.Kawase discovered nature’s detoxifying functions which helps us in our health . Takao Matsusita President of Wood Vinegar Energy Research Association, Japan Darren Goh Group Managing Director of K-Link International Corporation Darren Goh Group Managing Director of K-Link International Corporation Dr. Kawase Itsuko The Founder of Kinotakara 3. Trees absorb 3-4 ton water from underground daily 4. Detoxification Excrete the unwanted Lymph fluid Enhance blood circulation Improve immune system THE EFFECTIVENESS OF KINOTAKARA 5. TREATMENT FROM THE SOLE OF THE FEET THERAPEUTIC POWER FROM TREES Therapeutic power from trees 6. Red blood cells covered by bacteria Destruction of the free radical Blood test before using Kinotakara 7. Bacteria reduced Red blood cells improved from the destruction of free radical Blood test after using Kinotakara 8. Proof of extraction of toxin 9. WHAT IS KINOTAKARA ? Nature’s gift to mankind: Wood Vinegar 26 years of research into mysterious power of trees by Dr. Kawase Itsuko, led to the discovery that: • Oak trees, Sakura trees and Beech trees have great fluid absorbing power and excellent detoxifying functions. • In actual facts, it is the Wood Vinegar within these trees that is capable of extracting toxin from the human body. • Further research led to formulation of Kinotakara – the Healthcare therapy of the millennium. TM 10. Toxin Endangers Our Health !! Extracting Toxin the KinotakaraTM way ~ The soles. Why? MORE THAN 60 ACUPUNTURE POINTS ON THE SOLES