Thursday, May 26, 2016

What is the K-Liquid Chlorophyll 1. Product WorkshopSmart Success Team769 2. • Chlorophyll is the green substance in plants that are the source of life through the process of photosynthesis • Chlorophyll chemical structure is very similar in structure to Haemoglobin • Taken from the best alfalfa leaf contains over 60 nutrients and is called the "Father of all plants" • An ingredient semulajadi and good for drinking by anybody. 3. • 1912 Dr.Alexis in his thesis "immortal cells" research shows the importance of removing toxins to improve the ill-health. • 1915, Dr.Richard W, discovered the chemical structure of chlorophyll. • 1930, Dr.Hans Fischer, the discovery of the chemical structure of hemoglobin which is similar to the chemical structure of chlorophyll. 4. • Clean, help detoxify and reduce toxins in the body. • Smooth, balances the hormonal system as well as acid-alkali balance in the body. • Provide nutrients, increase the absorption of nutrients in the blood to increase oxygen sandstone and red blood cells. 5. A diet that is not balanced to make our metabolism becomes damaged and become a source of disease 6. ALL STARTING FROM EATING Less Vegetables And Fruits (Fiber) 7. • Stonewall bacteria growth • Alleviate the problem of asthma • Improving ill-health • Increases blood flow mouths • Reduce inflammation • Improves cardiac function • Improving liver function • Reduce body odor • Relieve pain • The balance of acid and alkali problems • Helps insomnia • Improve blood cells • Strengthen the immune system • Fixing red state • Normalize body temperature anemia 8. • Increase metabolism • Helps the function of the thyroid gland • Reduce the risk of bronchitis • Improving lung function • Accelerate wound healing • Improving blood cell function • Detoxification • Acts as an anti cancer • Increased iron in the body • Clean the blood • Helps digestive problems • slow down the aging process • Reduce the joint and bone problems • Increase the urinary tract system • Refreshing throat 9. HOW TO DECISION • Childhood: ½ cap 1-3 times a day mixed with a glass of water (250 ml) • Adults: 1 cap 1-3 times a day mixed with a glass of water (250 ml) • Drinking K-Liquid Chlorophyll may be mixed with milk, honey, tea, fruit juice and Spirulina or soymilk. • Drink 8 glasses of water a day

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